i am feeling very sore - not really fully sure why .... over the weekend i trained really well,
saturday ran at the great walk and kingfisher - 20k's ... beautiful as always, the area. was spose to run 22k so cut it short by 2 as my back really ached ( an excuse?) ... went to the gym and did a really good stretch afterwards and threw in just a couple of weights cos i was there. afternoon was heading out on the localvore tour so knew it was a lazy afternoon/evening ahead. felt a little muscle tired, but not really super sore or anything.
sunday ran to the gym and ended up doing pump, then balance, then - friday night had looked up a whole pile of info on TRX training - so once balance had finished and everyone had left, wanted to try out a few exercises to see if i was capable, if my spine was capable. when you watch them online some things dont look quite so hard. knew, with my back though, i would be capable of doing few things of what i watched as most of it was advanced... tried a lunge move off the bosu, did that no problems. did pushup with my feet up in the stirrups, hard work, but once again, was really pleased i could do it. tried the side to side swinging type move (dont know what they are called :) ) , - i think this is what has inflamed my back, it does put a lot of pressure on the lower back - BUT, i WAS able to do it, once it came to trying to lift one hand off though :) hahaha - it is NOT easy, the dudes that do it - are amazing - anyways, managed what i did, better than i expected, not sure i could do it for an hour though ...
home and spent the afternoon working - writing a new book up, well, have most of it written but editing, checking , thinking, sorting .... working out exactly the whys and wherefores of publishing it
storm got sent home from work early, trouble there, but hopefully it all sorts out - most everything does, so it will .... *this too shall pass* ...
so, i wanted her to be calm and relaxed ... we watched some oth episodes together, then after dinner she wanted to go for a run ... and this is where i really noticed how sore i had become ... it was bout 8, so we only ran along the boardwalk from airlie to abel point marina ... i ran not very far at all, and my buttocks, BURNED! i mean with inflammation - and my lower back was so hot ... so she ended up running ahead, and cos it was dark and i didnt like not knowing where she was :) then running back to me, while i just tried power walking - once we got to the main road though, i felt warmed up enough and was able to run up over the hill and back home ... i had been so sleepy as we watched oth, that made me feel very awake when we got home, which was really nice as i hat the lethargic no energy feel
however, cos she didnt work late and was home already, i got to go to bed relatively early

which brings us to this morning ... and coral beach being open :D yayay.
went to the gym to do a couple of leg weights to fatigue the legs a little bit before i went and did the stairs, i havent really done any fatigue sessions - get there though, and combat was about to start :D - decided that was as good as anything so, did the class! maybe too much,... could only push myself for 10 sets of stairs and was spose to do 16 today, so, guess it was a silly idea cos to do the stairs properly would have been more beneficial of goal. then did coral. hard. back hurting more. so pulled out of doing mt rooper. so (combat, stairs x 10 and coral 7km) instead of (stairs x 16 and coral/mt rooper 12kms) ...
this afternoon was hard to make myself go do pump. and when i did, every single track the weights felt SOOOOOO HEAVY ... i had nothing in me. the chest track especially, the instructor (dont know her name, michelle was away so she was filling in) at one point said - the good news, we are half way - the bad news - we are half way ... and i must say i thought YEP im goin' with, thats bad news, for i had not one more push upwards in me
and now. right now, everything hurts. got to get up at 5am to run to gym for bike and balance, and - i cant even imagine doing it ...
been taking iboprufen all day, and doing a ton of stretching this eve to try and make my body feel ok ...
lets see what the morning brings ...
* an amendment!!!! just went to write my training in - i ONLY had coral beach to do for today - i didnt fail at all - mt rooper is wednesday with swamp bay :D YAY!
only failed on the stairs - 1800 instead of 2880 :( well, next week!
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