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what a fresh & thoughtful idea! |
we passed a kentucky for the millionth time, i didnt realise they were so rampant, they breed better than rabbits - storm wanted some for lunch - i dont think i have stepped foot inside a kfc in five years! yet it used to be my biggest vice - every single day after work it would be my 'reward' for getting though the stress of work ... yeah, really. it wasnt dinner - it was simply i 'earned' it cos i put up with s*** , dinner still always came later on - how i have grown - ha, or not grown!!
i was so against it but after driving around the place, stopping at a supermarket to buy me some fruit, i figured it is her choice and stopped for her ... we had to wait a hell of a long time after ordering as it appears we arrived right in the middle of an employee war! ... (storm was 'rewarded' with an extra drink, an apology and a free UPSIZE - wtf!)
as we were standing there i spied the most insidious gift card i have seen in my life...
i am against gift cards as a 'gift' for someone regardless.
gift cards - to me, they are the unthinking present. if you cant put thought into a loved ones gift, cant spend time because life is rushed a gift card is the quick and easy way out ... maybe you should be considering if you should be buying that person a gift in the first place ... the gift, is in 'the giving' - knowing someone so well, you know what they would like or dislike and taking the time to choose because they are WORTH that time... anyways. mute point.
the wording on the leaflet is also funny - : A KFC gift card is a fresh new way to say happy birthday, congratulations or even thanks for a great effort. It's an easy, convenient and thoughtful gift idea for any occasion that can be purchased and redeemed at any KFC restaurant in Queensland.fresh? convenient? THOUGHTFUL!?? wow, happy birthday, here is a heart attack on a platter for you - took me such a loooong time to think of giving you this ...
yeah, really. and only in qld, does that mean other states are smarter? damn goshblamdarnit - guess i cant buy one for friends living in other states :P~~
i spent many a moment throughout the past day thinking who on earth would present someone with such a gift! you would HAVE to really not like someone wouldnt you? for the life of me i couldnt even think of the sort of person who would ...
but, what pisses me, is, the government - supposedly is pushing a crack down against obesity ( a stand they are NOT getting across to the nation of course, nor really trying too, too much money in the food industries that they subsidise for that - a healthier nation comes at too great a
reminds me of an article brought to my attention a month or so ago ...
will this really have any impact on obesity? click here for story
"the Government initiative was an effort to help people to make informed choices."
really? no, REALLY?! those that care about their health/kj intake, wouldnt step inside any of these stores anyway... but everyone already knows these cardboard foods are a large amount of empty ...calories anyway... don't they?
so to what end is this a 'first step' in conquering an obese nation? man, cannot wait for the second step! supersize me!!
always in charge :) |
headed back the long way home, and went to licuala national park ... storm though, not feeling my love for nature :P we ended up doing the 'childrens walk' haha, and i had been sooo excited about doing the whole trail - we had to follow footprints to get to the cassowary nest - a whole 490metres - *i walked 10 tough kms yesterday for you, today we do the kids walk! grrrrrrrrr scowl blaspheme" and she meant it :)
all is well in love and war - i succumbed because she did indeed do incredibly good on tuesday - and when we got back to our place i went for a 10k run along the beach - in the rain of course, but lots of people out and about simply accepting it ... love it.
had a wine together for dinner, must say, that was nice, however, she didnt like it, made up a rasberry drink for a chaser! ha - i guess a taste that is acquired as one gets older - i even attempted to eat steak for her, she cooked me a little piece - i figured it was an 'occasion' - in the end i couldnt even try it, :/ the smell of it on my plate i couldnt even handle, but, she was happy i at least had the thought there for her ... she ate it :) a nice, simple day ... bubble bath, bed.
leisurely wake up, leisurely 5k run along the beach - went home and woke storm and got her to come out and do it with me too ... so did another 5k together ... then its clean up time to leave :/ dammit! she had to go back to work (horror discovery - we have just found out she doesnt have to go back till SATURDAY and we could have stayed one more day eeek!) ... would really have loved to stay another couple - anyways. my clean up thorough - she said i am too pedantic and the house is cleaner than when we went in :) not true, it was perfect when we arrived, but regardless, i dont want to leave a messy place for the cleaner!
leisurely drive home - stopping for lunch at the cardwell cafe again...
driving into airlie - it was like we had never left - there was a cool little shop at mission called 'same same but different' .. storm got a cute watch there and a couple of other knick knacks - we drove into airlie and figured its 'same same, not different' ... but, a superb breakaway ...
i have itchy feet.
I used to like KFC bean salad as a kid. Early signs of a leaning towards a plant-based diet perhaps? I don't mind a gift card as I quite like spending on something I really like. My taste is quite different from the rest of my family, but I can't see the point in fast-food gift cards. That does seem desperately pointless and thoughtless.
hiya owl! i am maybe too harsh on gift card thoughts :) i would never give one and would never like to receive one but i see your point indeed
but - yes, definitely! fast food gift cards? that a whoooooooooooole lotta dislike!
(and yup on the bean salad, not many kids would choose that over kfc chicken, ha, you were already 'there'!)
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