rest days

love the crossfit WOD today ... not sure how to tackle it yet, difficult
"The workout of the day for Feb 23rd is - 3 rounds for time - 10 minute nap, 15 minutes of light stretching, 20 minute massage. Enjoy your rest day!"
figure it might take me longer than 45minutes to do that one (oh by 3!!) now just to find a masseuse ... :)

however. despite nothing 'crossfit' to complete - i have already run 10k (with gorgeous rain!), done boxing with tanya, then a step class.

i wonder what it would be like to have a complete rest day? everything in my body aches at the moment - i am pretty certain from the kettlebell class still, for i havent 'rested' and i also did some of my own in the old church on saturday, possibly too soon ...

top the day off with a hard work day, a ton done, island times, some cards, letterheads and with compliments, a brochure design, some website design, voila.


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