really really REALLY enjoyed running today, better than any trail i have run lately, and certainly better than 'anything road' :) i felt like i was home.
i am always astounded why there isnt tons of others wanting to get out there and feel the amazement and beauty of running on a trail too.
i did some stair training first out at shute harbour - 90 stairs, 10 times up and down, 1800 steps! - haven't done THAT in months! - by 7 and 8, legs were like jelly, was going to stop, superly glad i didnt - pushed myself hard for the last couple, so shows we ARE capable of more than we know - i AM capable of pushing myself more than i do... probably for most everything. when i finished and was stretching, it was a MIGHTY fine feeling - and by the time i got in the car to head to the trail beginning, they felt strong and ready to run again.
i am always astounded why there isnt tons of others wanting to get out there and feel the amazement and beauty of running on a trail too.
i did some stair training first out at shute harbour - 90 stairs, 10 times up and down, 1800 steps! - haven't done THAT in months! - by 7 and 8, legs were like jelly, was going to stop, superly glad i didnt - pushed myself hard for the last couple, so shows we ARE capable of more than we know - i AM capable of pushing myself more than i do... probably for most everything. when i finished and was stretching, it was a MIGHTY fine feeling - and by the time i got in the car to head to the trail beginning, they felt strong and ready to run again.
headed to mt rooper, 10 cars! (there goes my theory of why arent others doing it, today, seems they were?) but, my whole time in there though, i passed only one lady, and that was it, when i came out, only two cars left. so where were all the people? maybe they were at swamp bay, or else they were on their way out the opposite to where i went in. i did the tough steep uphill (but shorter section) first, long languid downhill to fini

- oh, i passed the lady at the exact top where the lookout is overlooking the whitsunday islands (pictured here), i got there only seconds before her as she came up from the opposite direction, and i went up the lookout stairs to 'look out', she glanced at me and kept going - why would you go to the top and not stop for the view? - i stopped her going there! or maybe she was timing herself ....
she was coming down the 2.1k side, i was coming down the 3.3 k side, i had been at the car, done a full stretch, and had hopped in and just starting up, as i saw her coming out :D - ok, she probably only walked :P but, i was still proud of me!!
first half, dry underfoot, but you could smell all the rain in the canopy above, the track was really overgrown, parts of it, the grasses covering so much (i dont know the name of it, but it has that really fine yellowy flowery stuff that pops out across the whole pathway) - it was like running through cobwebs, feathery, soft against my legs! but no spiders to contend with! simply, beautiful. it felt good (oh how much i would love a job with the council just as the trail clearer!)
stopped at the top for a couple of minutes and stretched and i always make a point of looking at the view - coming down, wet, but oh so GORGEOUS. top section of it not dissimilar to coming up, lots of the overgrown grassy stuff tickling my legs. knew a shower would be nice after to remove any itchiness. overcast but no rain, just the sweet rainforest smell, divine.
my running, the best i can think of. relaxed and easy, it felt fast, i cant answer if it really was or not... just know it felt right. the sweat on my face dried off as i stretched, tighter than a face mask, and oh how i looked forward to a shower and knew how grand it would feel, and i havent felt like that coming out of honeyeater, which is the only trail i have run for at least the past four weeks, though to be fair, i run straight home from honeyeater and am in the shower before anything has a chance to 'dry off' .... it was just beautiful - magical really is the only word i can think of. paradise. i loved today - today. my life, felt idyllic. a huge blessing. i doubt there is anything i could ask for more.
*now* is what counts, and every step we take in life leads us to our todays.
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