time disappears quickly

hmmmmmmmmm. it is time to start thinking northface. well, past time actually .... only 10 weeks away ....

time to find a trainer. to develop a proper training program again. and to start looking at what i do so it is more relevant, more training specific ..
build up all that michelle used to teach me - speed, agility, power and strength - the goal is to run it under 20 hours - well, preferably even quicker, but, under 20 hours earns a bronze buckle.
'agility' thats what i miss most, and what i arent getting the most ... plus. the push. the motivation. the accountability. nearly six months later, and im still just 'plodding' along, doing whatever i feel like exercise wise, too many classes, day in day out ... BLEH :P~~  much to consider. and it has to get to the TOP of my to do list ....

but... can NOT wait until race day!!!! how exciting - plus lisa tamati is going to be competing this year, OMG that is as cool as dean - w00t!


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