there is 8.3kgs of less 'me', in ten weeks! have not had measurements since before going away but the total then was 18.7cm loss - so, i am satisifed with those two figures as my 'finalities' ... i guess i have no measure of my fitness levels as being improved or not though, other than, i do feel stronger - thats the downside of not doing it as a group nor of having a trainer - albeit not by choice.
1.7kgs short of my goal though, do i dwell on it as a failure? or look at it as, i did amazing ... regardless of how i feature that in my mind, that IS my FINAL weigh in - scales away - for now i have to be happy the weight i am, and change my focus to cradle mountain - time to up the ante on the running, specifically trail running and get myself ready for the 5th february - a whole different kettle of fish to focusing on weight loss. i have any number of people will pull me up if they think i am getting fat again, but most of all, i have my clothes that will tell me :) so now i can forget the past 10 weeks and prepare have been working out hard since being back from c2k, i had great opportunity to do some great running while away, and since being back have been either running or doing the gym's 'xmas fitness' at 6am each morning, which obviously resulted in
getting back into 'normal' life, or trying to be 'ok' with being back, has been difficult ... moreso i think than any other race i have done personally ... it feels so very surreal for the most part, i get low spirited, but i have really tried to immerse myself in as much as i can and talk more with lkike minded people, and to remember that was simply 'an adventure' and it is now past ...
after being a part of the experience though, and witnessing people achieve absolutely unbelievable personal challenges, i am seriously considering doing c2k myself in 2011 - it means i change a couple of my goals this year, and i have to begin to at least 'like' road running :) that is all something i really need to think about and i shall see how the year pans out....
but, for now. cradle mountain. here i come. a couple of kilos heavier than last year, but dang, stronger and more mentally focused and prepared, than i have ever been!! :D
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