the feeling of 'alive'

goodness gracious about time
training - MUCH more successful - i feel like breath has come back into me, and, with only 4 weeks until glasshouse, it is time to really up the ante, i cant afford anymore downers between now and then

after an internalised hissy fit tuesday morning where my body fought with the bed, obnoxiously refusing to run and go to bike, a very unusual happening regardless of how i 'feel', and a day of bleh at myself and life, tuesday evening, it started to turn around ... i went and did balance before heading to ses
ses - w00t w00t! after 11 months of being in it, all the training, the cyclone work, the s& r for the drowned guy at bowen, all in second hand gear - i have FINALLY got *MY* own uniform :) yayayay - a big huge plastic santa claus bag of orange, no more hand me downs for me! - overalls and a two piece and t-shirts and wet weather gear and helmet and cap and glasses and gloves and .......................... no boots still. darn :) well, at least i will look 'brand new' ankles upwards, and thats a large percentage of body coverage eh!

i think the part that made me happiest that evening though, the training at hamilton island is now going to be the 4th sept, last week mark had been talking about the weekend of the 11/12 sept, as hamilton island wanted us for a whole weekend, and on the 5th we have the triathlon, and, after waiting all year, excited to be a part of it ... but it kept getting put further and further back - well, thats the weekend of my race, and, the race comes first ... so it pissed me a little my patience, and in the end i wasnt going to be able to participate... so, im happy, i can now be a part of it, atop of, timing wise, being its the weekend before the race, it gives me a few hours on my feet, (i think) without overdoing it by running - win win win
plus, this coming tuesday night we are now doing some training in readiness for the great walk race end of september, checking communication - so a few of us will go into the campsite tuesday night to test the radio equipment, .. so i get a night run (or walk) in for a couple hours, while having the safety of all the ses peeps nearby :D THAT DID make me beam - plus, secretly chuffed that i 'can' ... its a nice feeling

wednesday, didnt box, hadnt heard from tanya before i made other plans instead, so went and did balance in prossy and sat with michelle while she had brekky, i didnt have the words i needed to say, but at least, i communicated with her - so hopefully everything is 'ok' ... i dotn really understand why it all became so complicated ...
came back to airlie and did step, WOW - having not done any running for a couple of days, and no stair work, it was amazing doing step on fresh legs!! it felt so easy to do. had a ton of positive things happen workwise on return home ...

an island times week so had the usual of that to do of course, but sea fm phoned re the cyclone book, wanted to do an interview with me friday, so clare was going to call past today (which she may still do of course) ... cap'n dan wants to go ahead with the kids and environment book, anne from bloomsbury came and saw me for label stuff, she is actually selling the book for me at the bowen markets which is fantastic - then in the end jay from seafm called, he wants to actually talk on the radio tomorrow morning instead, so, lined that up - training plus work = a good morning, especially in comparison to the previous few - not hard i spose :P

sooooooooooooooooo wednesday afternoon, didnt feel quite up to running though was going to, in the end i decided i would head to gym and do weights, gets me out there, gets me doing something, and, glad i did. ended up doing a body attack class (half of it) and pump ...

which brings me to - successful morning thursday.
ended up doing balance, jay from seafm phoned so headed out and talked to him, back to finish class, good and tough pt session, in the afternoon, went out to shute harbour, did 5 lots of stairs, 3 kms run, 5 lots of stairs, 3km run, was going to do it a third time but my legs were solid rock, yet jelly like, a wonderful feeling that i like, but when i attempted to head down the stairs, couldnt get them to function, but, still happy with what i did. went to the gym for a stretch. then home.

MUCH more successful couple of days.

The word aerobics came about when the gym instructors got together and said, "If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it jumping up and down." ~ Rita Rudner


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